Meet my family!

Cast of hikers


Hi! Welcome to my family’s hiking and travel website! While we’ve been adventuring for many years now, I decided to start this blog as a way to record some of these outings for my kids, to capture the stories, the hardships, and the downright comical times we’ve had. So much of that goes missed on basic social media posts and I was desiring a way collect it all in one place for them, where they could look back on and remember, to see all the things we’ve done as a family.

My goal is to record these adventures moving forward, but I hope to weave in some of our favs from the past as well. I also want to share what things have and haven’t worked for us, for those of you thinking about venturing out with your littles but maybe are feeling unprepared. If that isn’t you but you just love a good story while you drink your coffee, this blog is for you too!

So a little bit about me. Besides being a hiker, I’m a Washingtonian/PNW girl, a Christian, a runner, a dietitian, and a wannabe rock-climber. I still consider myself “new” in the hiking world. I only picked up this hobby in my 30’s, partly as a way to find something to do with my young kids. I backpacked for the the first time in my 40’s. We’ve been hiking as a family for almost 7 years now and the adventures we’ve had I wouldn’t trade for anything. 

Early on one of the ways we kept my youngest son moving forward on the trail was to sing. We made up some little tunes here and there, but one of our most basic and effective little ditties just went like this: “We’re going on a hike, boom boom.” When chanted on repeat, over, and over, and over, somehow little Theron’s legs would continue in motion. 

So when I was thinking about naming this blog, somehow that song kept coming to my head. Sometimes you need a little chorus just to put one foot in front of the other. So here we are, going on a hike. Grab some shoes and sing along with us. 


This is my eldest, sometimes affectionately referred to as Sor-Sor. There really aren’t any funny nicknames for a name like Soren, so we do our best. He’s 13, super sarcastic and often moody. He loves rain, cats and a good book. This kid was made for the PNW.

Soren has been hiking since he was 6 years old. His first “big” hike was conquering Mt. Si with his best buddy Leif back in Kindergarten. I will always treasure the “trip report” he recorded on my phone from the top. Imagine the highest pitched child’s voice that you can…. “This is Soren, reporting from the top of Mt. Si…..”

Other Soren hobbies include soccer,  playing video games (ugh), and a good game of tag. I don’t think Soren would say hiking is one of his hobbies, but hey, he plays along. When not participating in any of the aforementioned activities, you can probably find him somewhere eating a baguette or trying to bum a ride for bubble tea.

Most people that meet Soren describe him as a sweet, kind young man. While quiet, he is not shy. He has a lot to say. You just have to get to know him first. If you see him on the trail, where he is likely there against his will, say hi! He may or may not acknowledge your presence. 


This is Theron. He is 10 going on 35. Many describe him as wise beyond his years. By his vocabulary and ability to connect with others it can seem that way, but don’t be fooled, he is a goof at heart. Always losing something (constant phrase in our house, “Really Theron?!?), he’s also brimming with joy pretty much every moment of the day. 

Theron has been hiking since he was 4. Well, earlier I suppose if you count all the backpack rides up mountains. He has always been a patient little hiker, either talking his dad’s ear off while bumping along in the kiddo carrier or proving determined to use his own two feet to finish a trail. He’s in a good mood most of the time, but when his blood sugar drops, that’s when the tears start. Almost every hike since age 4 has included either a fall, a bout of tears, or both, but recently the tide has turned. With his coordination improved and blood sugar stabilized, he’s developing a real love for the outdoors and being out in nature in general. 

Other hobbies for this little guy are much like his brother: soccer, video games (ugh), playing with friends all hours of the day, and snuggling the cat. He also loves good food and will never turn down a chance for shellfish, especially mussels. 

Personally, Theron is one of the sweetest kids I know. He makes friends wherever he goes, which is baffling to the rest of us introverts. He’s our talker. I would say to greet him if your paths cross on the trail, but truth is, he will probably greet you first.  


Meet Jason. Tech bro and entrepreneur by day, he’s also a great father, husband, crow lover, and reluctant cat Dad. 

In our early hiking days hiking with young kids, Jason spent so many hours lugging little Theron up and down mountains. Any hike you can think of on the I-90 corridor, odds are Jason hiked it with a 30lb Theron on his back. Nowadays his trail skills include pep talking young children, carrying loads that seem far beyond what is reasonable (I think he has superhuman cardio powers) and solving any and all problems that come up in the woods. 

When not being coereced into a hike or backpacking trip, Jason enjoys long runs, “rucking,” and probably most of all, kayaking. He also can make a mean batch of carnitas and just about any other dish you can conjure up. If you see this dude schlepping all his family’s gear on the trail, give him a smile and a fist bump. Chat for awhile and he’ll probably invite you over for dinner.