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How I Hiked the Wonderland Trail With Kids: Planning and Logistics
We did it! We completed 9 whole days on the Wonderland Trail, starting and ending at Longmire. Before I dive into any stories, I just want to say my boys, ages 10 and 13, are rock stars. Frickin’...
Chain and Doelle Lakes, July 30-31
“Let’s go on a hike,” he said. “It will probably be fun,” he said. Well you don’t have to ask me twice. The hubs wanted to get out on at least one overnight this season,...
Marten and Snoqualmie Lakes, July 19 - 21
In case you didn’t know, we are training for the Wonderland Trail. What is the Wonderland Trail you ask? That is a totally legit question. I only came to understand this magical thing called the...
Venado Caves Tour
I’ve done cave tours before. They are pretty cool; dark and humid with fascinating mineral formations that have been building for millions of years. Tight spaces, creepy bats. Educational and fun. Almost...
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Summer Fun in Costa Rica
Costa Rica …… I don’t even know where to start. Many of you have asked for our CR pics, so since I’m typing this after our trip, I think I’ll do a photo dump with a few captions...
Why Budget Travel is Akin to Hiking
                                                          Waiting for street tacos at 10pm in Mexico City I realize this is a blog about hiking, but my goal from the get-go was to record our travel forays...
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Adrenaline Burst Birthday on Mt. Si
Look at that little cutie, guys. That was Theron, when he was just 4. Oh, those eyes. I just want to eat him up. That was the first time he did a big hike on his own two feet. No daddy back packs anymore...
First hike of the season: Teneriffe falls
My first hiking post! And our first hike of the 2022 season. While getting out quite yet wasn’t totally on my agenda (it’s soccer palooza for the boys right now so are weekends are pretty full),...